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  • Navigation Lock Filling - Modeled Geometry and Physical Model Measurement Data This data set provides the geometry files and physical model measurement data for the filling process of a large navigation lock with a ship in the lock chamber from a water saving basin. The measured data contains water levels, pressure differences, forces on the ship and the opening height of the valves. The lock consists of a lock chamber with a pressure chamber underneath. Both chambers are hydraulically connected with vertical cylindrical filling nozzles inside the floor between both chambers. The three lateral saving basins are connected to the pressure chamber via two lateral culverts each of smoothly varying rectangular shape. Each saving basin has two of these connecting culverts. A vertical lifting valve in each culvert allows the controlled filling operation from the saving basins into the pressure chamber. In the experiment, the lock chamber is filled from the lowest saving basin. The physical model was constructed at a scale of 1:25. The provided data (geometry and model test results) is scaled to prototype scale by Froude's similitude. The data was used in the following publication: Thorenz, C., Schulze, L. (2021): Numerical Investigations of Ship Forces During Lockage. Journal of Coastal and Hydraulic Strucures. Please cite the paper when using the data.

  • The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 3D provides detailed quantification of the average height, total volume, total area and the fraction of buildings at 90 m resolution at a global scale. It is generated using a modified version of the World Settlement Footprint human settlements mask derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in combination with digital elevation data and radar imagery collected by the TanDEM-X mission. The framework includes three basic workflows: i) the estimation of the mean building height based on an analysis of height differences along potential building edges, ii) the determination of building fraction and total building area within each 90 m cell, and iii) the combination of the height information and building area in order to determine the average height and total built-up volume at 90 m gridding. In addition, global height information on skyscrapers and high-rise buildings provided by the Emporis database is integrated into the processing framework, to improve the WSF 3D Building Height and subsequently the Building Volume Layer. A comprehensive validation campaign has been performed to assess the accuracy of the dataset quantitatively by using VHR 3D building models from 19 globally distributed regions (~86,000 km2) as reference data. The WSF 3D standard layers are provided in the format of Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)-compressed GeoTiff files, with each file - or image tile - covering an area of 1 x 1 ° geographical lat/lon at a geometric resolution of 2.8 arcsec (~ 90 m at the equator). Following the system established by the TDX-DEM mission, the latitude resolution is decreased in multiple steps when moving towards the poles to compensate for the reduced circumference of the Earth.

  • This dataset is a derivative of the WSF3D raster dataset tailored for the web. As a tiled vector dataset, it enables dynamic client-side visualization of the WSF3D metrics

  • The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 3D provides detailed quantification of the average height, total volume, total area and the fraction of buildings at 90 m resolution at a global scale. It is generated using a modified version of the World Settlement Footprint human settlements mask derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in combination with digital elevation data and radar imagery collected by the TanDEM-X mission. The framework includes three basic workflows: i) the estimation of the mean building height based on an analysis of height differences along potential building edges, ii) the determination of building fraction and total building area within each 90 m cell, and iii) the combination of the height information and building area in order to determine the average height and total built-up volume at 90 m gridding. In addition, global height information on skyscrapers and high-rise buildings provided by the Emporis database is integrated into the processing framework, to improve the WSF 3D Building Height and subsequently the Building Volume Layer. A comprehensive validation campaign has been performed to assess the accuracy of the dataset quantitatively by using VHR 3D building models from 19 globally distributed regions (~86,000 km2) as reference data. The WSF 3D standard layers are provided in the format of Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)-compressed GeoTiff files, with each file - or image tile - covering an area of 1 x 1 ° geographical lat/lon at a geometric resolution of 2.8 arcsec (~ 90 m at the equator). Following the system established by the TDX-DEM mission, the latitude resolution is decreased in multiple steps when moving towards the poles to compensate for the reduced circumference of the Earth.

  • The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 3D provides detailed quantification of the average height, total volume, total area and the fraction of buildings at 90 m resolution at a global scale. It is generated using a modified version of the World Settlement Footprint human settlements mask derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in combination with digital elevation data and radar imagery collected by the TanDEM-X mission. The framework includes three basic workflows: i) the estimation of the mean building height based on an analysis of height differences along potential building edges, ii) the determination of building fraction and total building area within each 90 m cell, and iii) the combination of the height information and building area in order to determine the average height and total built-up volume at 90 m gridding. In addition, global height information on skyscrapers and high-rise buildings provided by the Emporis database is integrated into the processing framework, to improve the WSF 3D Building Height and subsequently the Building Volume Layer. A comprehensive validation campaign has been performed to assess the accuracy of the dataset quantitatively by using VHR 3D building models from 19 globally distributed regions (~86,000 km2) as reference data. The WSF 3D standard layers are provided in the format of Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)-compressed GeoTiff files, with each file - or image tile - covering an area of 1 x 1 ° geographical lat/lon at a geometric resolution of 2.8 arcsec (~ 90 m at the equator). Following the system established by the TDX-DEM mission, the latitude resolution is decreased in multiple steps when moving towards the poles to compensate for the reduced circumference of the Earth.

  • The World Settlement Footprint (WSF) 3D provides detailed quantification of the average height, total volume, total area and the fraction of buildings at 90 m resolution at a global scale. It is generated using a modified version of the World Settlement Footprint human settlements mask derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in combination with digital elevation data and radar imagery collected by the TanDEM-X mission. The framework includes three basic workflows: i) the estimation of the mean building height based on an analysis of height differences along potential building edges, ii) the determination of building fraction and total building area within each 90 m cell, and iii) the combination of the height information and building area in order to determine the average height and total built-up volume at 90 m gridding. In addition, global height information on skyscrapers and high-rise buildings provided by the Emporis database is integrated into the processing framework, to improve the WSF 3D Building Height and subsequently the Building Volume Layer. A comprehensive validation campaign has been performed to assess the accuracy of the dataset quantitatively by using VHR 3D building models from 19 globally distributed regions (~86,000 km2) as reference data. The WSF 3D standard layers are provided in the format of Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)-compressed GeoTiff files, with each file - or image tile - covering an area of 1 x 1 ° geographical lat/lon at a geometric resolution of 2.8 arcsec (~ 90 m at the equator). Following the system established by the TDX-DEM mission, the latitude resolution is decreased in multiple steps when moving towards the poles to compensate for the reduced circumference of the Earth.

  • Das Projekt „Bayern 3D – Heimat digital“ verfolgte das Ziel, bayerische Kulturgüter digital erlebbar zu machen: es wurden von acht Objekten der Bayerischen Schlösserverwaltung digitale 3D-Modelle erstellt. Fotorealistisch und hochauflösend zeigen die Modelle die Außenansichten sowie mehrere ausgewählte Innenräume der Sehenswürdigkeiten.

  • In diesem Layer finden Sie eine Auswahl an texturierten Gebäudemodellen prägender touristischer Gebäude in bayerischen Städten mit über 50.000 Einwohnern. Die Modelle erheben nicht den Anspruch, ausschließlich die kulturell wertvollsten Objekte in Bayern zu visualisieren, sondern exemplarisch die Möglichkeiten von 3D-Visualisierungen zu demonstrieren. Alle Modelle wurden rein rechnerisch, ohne manuelle Nacharbeit zur Visualisierung bereitgestellt, das erklärt die teilweise unsauber abgebildete Geometrie. Die Gebäudemodelle können lediglich von außen betrachtet werden.

  • Das Bauforum ist ein Hamburger Veranstaltungsformat mit Tradition. Mit dem siebten Bauforum vom 19. bis 24. August 2019 in den Deichtorhallen wird ein kreatives Versuchslabor ohne Grenzen geschaffen, in dem Ideen von Übermorgen für die Hamburger Magistralen entstehen.

  • Das Projekt „Bayern 3D – Heimat digital“ verfolgte das Ziel, bayerische Kulturgüter digital erlebbar zu machen: es wurden von acht Objekten der Bayerischen Schlösserverwaltung digitale 3D-Modelle erstellt. Fotorealistisch und hochauflösend zeigen die Modelle die Außenansichten sowie mehrere ausgewählte Innenräume der Sehenswürdigkeiten.

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