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  • Web Map Service (WMS) of the BUEK1000. The first country wide soil map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (BUEK1000) has been compiled on the basis of published soil maps of the former German Democratic Republic and the pre 1990 federal states of Germany. To do this, it was necessary to match the soil systems used in East and West Germany and to develop standardized descriptions of soil units. A relatively homogeneous map has resulted, which permits uniform assessment of the soils throughout Germany. The map shows 71 soil mapping units, described in the legend on the basis of the German and FAO soil systems. Each soil unit has been assigned a characteristic soil profile (Leitprofil) as an aid to map interpretation. For the first time the subdivision of the country into 12 soil regions has been represented on the map. This subdivision was coordinated with the state Geological Surveys. These soil regions will represent the highest hierarchic level of nation wide soil maps in future. The colours of soil units correspond to the standards of the 'Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung' (KA 3; Guidelines for Soil Mapping). The various hues characterize differences in relief or soil humidity. The BUEK1000 was produced digitally. It is an important part of the spatial database integrated in the Soil Information System currently being established at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (FISBo BGR). It can be used together with the characteristic soil profiles to derive thematic maps related to nation wide soil protection. The scale of the BUEK1000 makes it especially suitable for small scale evaluations at federal or EU level.

  • The first country wide soil map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (BUEK1000) has been compiled on the basis of published soil maps of the former German Democratic Republic and the pre 1990 federal states of Germany. To do this, it was necessary to match the soil systems used in East and West Germany and to develop standardized descriptions of soil units. A relatively homogeneous map has resulted, which permits uniform assessment of the soils throughout Germany. The map shows 71 soil mapping units, described in the legend on the basis of the German and FAO soil systems. Each soil unit has been assigned a characteristic soil profile (Leitprofil) as an aid to map interpretation. For the first time the subdivision of the country into 12 soil regions has been represented on the map. This subdivision was coordinated with the state Geological Surveys. These soil regions will represent the highest hierarchic level of nation wide soil maps in future. The colours of soil units correspond to the standards of the 'Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung' (KA 3; Guidelines for Soil Mapping). The various hues characterize differences in relief or soil humidity. The BUEK1000 was produced digitally. It is an important part of the spatial database integrated in the Soil Information System currently being established at the Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (FISBo BGR). It can be used together with the characteristic soil profiles to derive thematic maps related to nation wide soil protection. The scale of the BUEK1000 makes it especially suitable for small scale evaluations at federal or EU level.

  • Die Bodenfunktionenkarten wurden nach dem Sächsischen Bodenbewertungsinstrument Stand 10/2021 erstellt. Erstmalig wurden alle für die Bewertung eingesetzten 1200 Leitprofile der digitalen Bodenkarte 1:50.000 einer Laboruntersuchung unterzogen. Die Bodenkarte 1:50.000 basiert auf den 54 Einzelblättern des Freistaates Sachsen. Sukzessive werden die neue Kenntnisstände zum Boden und Bodenschutz in die Bewertungen der Bodenfunktionen eingearbeitet. Diese Informationen werden mit Updates veröffentlicht.

  • Daten zur Diplomarbeit „Entwicklung einer Karte der relativen Bindungsstärke für Schwermetalle im Oberboden nach dem DVWK-Modell“ von Tanja Helmes (Mai 1999), berechnete relative Bindungsstärke für Nickel im Oberboden im Raum Saarbrücken (TK 25 6707 und 6708). Das Feld 'Ni' enthält den Wert der FSMo (1 = sehr gering bis 5 = sehr stark). Zu dem Shapefile existiert eine Legendendatei (fsmo für nickel.avl), die dazu geladen werden kann.

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